Annual Charity Night – NYBMA for CSF

19 grudnia, 2024

Annual Charity Night – NYBMA for CSF

As the President of the Children’s Smile Foundation, I am incredibly proud and honored to announce that this year, we were recognized by the New York Building Managers Association for our charity fundraising efforts. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Marat Olfir, the President, and Wojciech Siedlik, the Chairman, for their exceptional organization of such a wonderful evening. 

“We take great pride this year in supporting the Children’s Smile Foundation as they celebrate 25 years of aiding children in need. Their cause is truly deserving, and we are honored to play a part in their ongoing mission to help disadvantaged children,” – stated the organizers of the Annual Charity Night, held on December 12 at Connolly’s Pub & Restaurant in Manhattan.

Established in 1917, the NYBMA stands as the oldest and among the most prominent organizations for resident managers and superintendents in New York City. The association was created to foster community among colleagues, gathering monthly to exchange experiences while overseeing some of the city’s premier real estate properties. 

I want to thank all the sponsors, guests, and participants of this year’s fundraiser. I assure you that our commitment to assisting underprivileged children, those with medical issues, and anyone else in need of our support will remain unwavering – Joanna Gwozdz, President of Children’s Smile Foundation.


Foto: The annual Charity Night took place on December 12th at Connolly’s Pub & Restaurant in Manhattan / Foto: Wojciech Maslanka

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